Professional Taxi Company

Taxi Salwa is the best taxi service not just another taxi company currently providing taxi in Kuwait, providing 24 hour local dispatch cab/taxi service.




نعمل في جميع مناطق الكويت


Phone Number 



From Airport to your home, from your current location to your destination, Q Taxi Salwa is the best choice. We deliver all taxi bookings with utmost efficiency. It is not only providing taxi for hire, taxi for transportation services but also taxi at affordable price. Q Taxi Salwa is the ultimate city taxi.

Building on a rich tradition of customer service, Q Taxi Salwa offers customers the newest and reliable fleet of taxi drivers. With over various model taxi cabs and minivans all bearing the distinctive in-cab facilities, Q Taxi Salwa provides satisfactory customer service and management experience. For more info. Please call Q Taxi on our phone number service.

اترك رد

هذا الموقع يستخدم خدمة أكيسميت للتقليل من البريد المزعجة. اعرف المزيد عن كيفية التعامل مع بيانات التعليقات الخاصة بك processed.